Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Polishing with salt. Lovely.

Today was disgusting. We learned air-powder polishing and rubber-cup polishing. Air-powder polishing is freaking nasty. I felt like there was an ocean full of salt in my mouth. It didn't feel great either. I would feel bad doing it on a patient just because I know how awful it tastes! I keep brushing salt off of my face. It is all gritty. YUCK. Rubber-cup polishing was just the same old thing I've done before. Then we put fluoride varnish on eachother. Holy vomit. That stuff is terrible. I can still feel it on my teeth. My teeth are sticky together. The taste is the worst part. It's making me sick to my stomach. We are all thoroughly grossed out.

Then.... passing off the dental screening PE! I stressed out over it last night a lot. But I did pretty well! I passed. Woo hoo!

My tummy is grumbly. STARVING.

Peace out hommies.

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