Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The day of cancellations/ no shows

Yesterday I called my patient for this morning and she couldn't come anymore. I called everyone that I had but nobody answered so I frantically texted lots of the dental hygiene girls to see if anyone had any extra names. So many of the girls texted me back trying to help. It made me really grateful that we all have each others backs. Steph found me a patient for this morning! Yay! I owe her! She was a 1B and i got bitewings. She bled a TON. Every time I touched her tissue it bled so it was hard to see. She never flosses so I taught her how. Hopefully she'll start doing it.

The patient I had scheduled for this afternoon didn't show up. I talked to him yesterday and he said he was coming. I called him about 12:40 and he picked up the phone but then hung up. So i called again and it rang one and a half times and then he sent me to his voicemail. Rude. I wish people would just tell me if they weren't planning on coming. I've had someone cancel on me every single week now. This was the first time I haven't been able to find another patient to replace them though. Bummer.

LUCKILY... this morning Sam walked in our pod and asked me if i'd found a mockboard patient yet. I told her no and she said that McCall had given her a mockboard patient but her patient for the morning qualified so I am able to see the one that McCall had given Sam. PHEW. Such a relief! Especially since I am having zero luck finding one and my afternoon appointment no showed. I need to find a translator for my mockboard and take some PA's on her so i'll get cracking on that.


  1. Yes, I have also experienced the hang up and then the rejected call. Seriously, just tell me if you're not coming. At least you now know not to waste your time with them anymore.

  2. Marianne, Emily failed to tell you that the morning patient that couldn't come was sending Emily straight to voicemail too. However, with Emily being as awesome as she is, decided to give the lady a buzz from her Parents phone and guess who picked up... yeah, the lady and then she finally told Emily she couldn't make it. I don't understand patient's that think acting like this is okay, because it's not.
