Thursday, February 23, 2012

Last mockboard

Well, mockboard #3 over. It didn't go well.

Good news: I passed. (barely).

Bad news: She was a jerk. ANDDDDD.... *drumroll please* she had to leave early. that means every single one of my mockboards had to leave early. I have had super bad luck. She was a very unpleasant woman. She wouldn't let me get her numb. She wouldn't let me use the ultrasonic. She barely let me touch her because "I was hurting her." Oh yeah, she also had pus pouring our of the buccal of tooth #30. Bleh. Her phone kept ringing. She kept answering it. She kept asking me if i was almost done yet. Then, she finally said (35-40 mins into the appt) "I'm done. This hurts." To which i yet again told her, "if you'd let me get you numb...." I convinced her to let the instructor check her before she left so I wouldn't get a zero but she wasn't happy about it.

THEN... as I'm walking her out she turns to me and says, "so you want me to come back in a week?".... *jaw drops....* WHATTTTTTTT? needless to say, I told her my schedule is full for the time being but I'll put her on the resource list. yikes.

I missed 3 spots of calculus and missed a recession spot. But I passed so all is well.

Now, time to find a board patient!

1 comment:

  1. I hate those days... but good job for passing!!! No doubt that you will pass boards!
