Monday, March 28, 2011

Class 3/2 aka hardest experience of my life.

On my patient today I needed to complete 2 quads of class 3 and 1 quad of class 2. It was a work out! I missed 13847139471923710912734971234 spots of calculus, no big. Costley was great about it though and so was my patient. Professor Costley also taught me how to use an extra oral fulcrum today- they'll save my life due to my tiny hands and short fingers. I'm just glad today is over. Woo woo! Goal: Keep using extra oral fulcrums, don't forget!


  1. Way to go! Don't beat yourself up. Class III patients are hard and you had a lot to do. You'll have to show me that "special" extraoral fulcrum sometime.

  2. Hey you missed one less spot of calculus than me today...and my patient was a 1B!!! I hope that makes you feel better. We can do this though, right?? Keep it up girl!

  3. Keep it up girl. Just make sure to explore when your finished scaling... that is what I do.

  4. BUT you finished all three quads? applause for you.
